Friday, December 31, 2010

Freaky Fartlek Friday: Week 1

Okay this post has nothing to do with speed training which is what a fartlek is all about but I just like that word so I incorporated it. Perhaps one day I will be doing some fartleks and at that time I will explain the origin of the word in greater detail for those of you who do not know or you could just google it right now and be done with it!

Anyway, this post does have to do with training. On Fridays I will let you all in on how my training went for the week. What I'm doing...what's working or not...and how I'm feeling.

Alrighty then, my workouts haven't been as good or consistent this week because I've been on vacation and I ate ENTIRELY too much over last weekend which was Christmas. I did complete my runs on Monday (2.87mi), Wednesday (2.85mi), and today (3.02mi... I jogged for 25 minutes straight).... and I threw in an extra one on Sunday (1.8mi) because I got a heart rate monitor for Christmas and I wanted to try it out. Also, it was snowing Sunday and it was a BEAUTIFUL run! I rode my bike yesterday for 39 minutes and went 4 miles. I know that seems slow but there is a killer hill on my bike route and it slows me down considerably, but it is great for strengthening my legs. It was COLD...49 degrees. I think I'll stay off the bike unless it is 55 or above and next week it looks like it will be! I love riding my bike almost as much as running and it gives my joints a break :).

As for my strength training and yoga....I missed strength training on Tuesday but did get my Thursday workout done. My strength training looks like this:

Arnold press (shoulders/arms)
hammer press (arms)
overhead tricep extension (arms)
bent over rows (back)
push ups (back/shoulders/arms/chest)
squats (legs)
lunges (legs)
ab crunches (core)
planks (core)

I do circuit training. 3 sets/10 reps each and right now I'm doing drop sets using 10, 8, and 6 lb weights. I do all of this in the small confines of my bedroom. It doesn't take much room to strength don't try to use that as an excuse not to do it! I'm amazed how much difference it is making in shaping and tightening my body. When I first started I couldn't do 5 push ups and now I'm doing 30. My biceps are budding and I have an annoying habit of flexing it and kissing it :)...I'm just so amazed that I made that! When I first started walking/running everything flopped around but now things are tighter and I feel more efficient.

The only day I did yoga was today and it felt wonderful after that long run. Hoping to get back on my regular schedule next week....eating and exercising. I may go for another bike ride tomorrow if it isn't raining....a New Year's bike ride....I hope that is what I'll be doing for the rest of the year:).

Until Monday, hope you all have a Happy New Year's and great weekend!

Remember: Do or do not. There is no try....Yoda from ESB

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Thinking Thursday: Week 1

I've decided to use this blog not only to hold myself accountable but to share all the things I've learned in the past 5 months and continue to learn everyday. I also want to let all of you in on my inspirational and motivational secrets...what keeps me going. Every day of the week will have a different theme so don't miss a day (or you could just catch up on the weekend which I will be taking off....from blogging anyway).

Thinking Thursdays will highlight the media I use to stay motivated and inspired. From books to podcasts to blogs to magazines to movies to youtube, I use a variety of media to hype me up. For example:

Isn't Ben just AMAZING! It makes me cry every time I watch that video and then I want to go out and run.

I'm also reading this book which is also AMAZING. Louis Zamperini's endurance both on the track and during the war that shaped our nation (WWII) is truly inspiring.

Remember....all you have to do is do it!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I've been away from the blogging scene for a little while. I've been busy working on myself. Something I have neglected for the past 5 or 6 years. Just before my birthday this year I had an epiphany...I was tired of being tired all the time. I knew it had a lot to do with my weight.

Over the past few years the scale had bumped up to a whopping 227 lbs! When I came home from work every afternoon I was too pooped to do anything other than lay on the couch until I had to cook supper,then it was back to the couch until bedtime and then I slept so hard at night that I could barely drag myself out of bed the next morning. I hurt all over and I couldn't figure out whether it was my joints or my bones. Sometimes it felt like someone had pulled my arms out of their sockets. Some of my relatives had mentioned fibromyalgia but I didn't want to believe there was nothing I could do about this constant aching and exhaustion. So I decided if I lost some weight, for sure that would make me feel better. I thought about joining Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig but I wasn't sure if I could eat their prepared meals and be satisfied. By accident I stumbled upon clean eating. (

I had never heard of Tosca Reno but her plan seemed easy enough and it wasn't just a "diet", it was a complete lifestyle change. Eating clean consisted of eating whole foods that aren't processed and that is how I cook most of the time anyway. My biggest problem was fast food eating and drinking several cokes a day. Yes, I admit it, I was a cokaholic. Eating clean also required you to eat at least 5 small meals a day to help keep your blood sugar regulated. I used to have coffee for breakfast and then eat something around 10 which would leave me weak and lethargic. Now, I get up every AM at 5:30 and cook us all breakfast. I generally have oatmeal with a couple of egg whites sprinkled with spinach on the side. Then I have a small snack around 10 such as nuts and a banana or yogurt with fruit. For lunch and dinner I eat fish or chicken breast with lots of vegetables and a carb such as a small sweet potato or brown rice.

I stopped using any sugar and started using Agave nectar, honey, or pure maple syrup for sweeteners when necessary. I started paying attention to the amount of sodium in the things I ate. I was shocked at the amount of sodium in Rice a of our favorite side dishes...and stopped buying it. In fact, I no longer bought anything "in a box". It was a lot more prep work but I found if I came straight home from the grocery store and prepped all my fresh vegetables so they would be ready to cook it was a lot easier. I would also grill several chicken breasts or fish fillets at a time, and cook a large pot of brown rice or several sweet potatoes on the weekend. I still have to cook regular meals for my hubby and son but I rarely fry anything and they eat more vegetables than they used to, however, neither of them is about to give up their beef.

When I first started this, I weighed everything and was astonished at my previous portion sizes. For example, when I tried losing weight before by eating chicken breasts, I didn't realize that one breast usually equals 2 portions! After eating like this for a month I had lost 10 lbs and felt incredible. I was energetic and clear headed. I felt so good that I had to do something with myself, so I started walking. At first it was just a couple of days a week and then I started biking too on the weekend (5 miles). Walking didn't seem fast enough, so I started adding in some running, but I was running too fast and would tire myself out very quickly and suffered from painful shin splints for weeks. I really wanted to be a runner, so I ran through the pain. Some days my legs felt like lead and like someone was beating on my shins with a hammer with every step I took. I began bringing my dog, Skeeter along with me and we would make one trip up the dirt road and back which was a mile. He inspired me to keep going and helped motivate me to do it again when I really didn't feel like it. Then I found the "Couch Potato to 5K" plan: (
and that changed everything. It is an 8 wk run/walk program which builds you up to running for 30 minutes without stopping. I am now on week 6 and Skeeter and I take 3 trips up the dirt road 3 times a week. I've also added a whole body strength training program 2 days a week and yoga 2 times a week. I do taebo, bike, or use the elliptical 1 day a week. I still can't believe I do all of this and still have loads of energy to spare. I have trained in the rain and snow and windy 20 degree afternoons. I worry about whether I will be able to keep this up when the heat and humidity return. I will have to adapt somehow because I have become addicted to running and have a hard time just doing 3 days a week...sometimes I add in an extra day.

I've decided to start this new blog to help hold myself accountable. I'm happy to report I'm finally under 200 lbs...first time in 10 years! I've had such a hard time losing weight due to my thyroid disease. My blood pressure is AWESOME and my doctor said I could cut my blood pressure meds in half. In the coming year, I plan to run at least one 5K but I'm afraid once I do one I will become addicted to that too! I don't know if I'll ever do a marathon...26.2 miles seems like a LONG time to run....but ya never know!