Monday, January 10, 2011

Motivation Monday: WEEK 3

Well, I'm already falling behind as I missed Thursday and Friday of last week with my blogging. I did not miss my workouts though which is the most important part. So today on motivation Monday I'll go over my workouts for last week and will let you in on what I do to motivate myself to get out and run on days like today....when it's raining ice!

So, last week I ran Monday (2.9 mi), Wednesday (3.25 mi), Friday (2.96 mi), and Sunday (2.35 mi)....that was a total of 11.46 mi for the week. Last week was Week 7 of the C25K program so I was running nonstop for 25 min. I'm not a fast runner by any means...I'm the tortoise...I average 12 min/mi. Monday's run I felt GREAT, I took Skeeter with me and we ran up the dirt road and made a loop down by the river 2 and 1/2 times. Wednesday it had been raining all day, so I took my running clothes with me to work and changed when I got off and ran on a gravel road near home on the way home. It was great to run on an even surface for a change and I ran further than I needed to but I was having so much fun! Friday my legs felt like lead...I think from the squats and lunges I did the day before with my strength training. I wanted to do an easy run with Skeeter up the dirt road and down by the river, but Skeeter doesn't understand "easy" and so I fought with him dragging me the entire time. I felt like crap and I was SO aggravated with him...I dropped him off after the 2nd lap and did 1/2 lap by myself. I decided to rest completely on Saturday since the weather was too crappy for a bike ride. Then yesterday after I did my yoga, and even though it was cold as crap, I decided to go for an easy 1 miler with Zoe (the pug), but once I got started, I decided to do 2 laps instead of one because my legs felt so great. I bought some running tights at the Walmart on Saturday and I think they inspired me.

I did weight lifting on Tuesday and Thursday but didn't work my legs on Tuesday because I woke up late. I think I tried to make up for that on Thursday and that's what made my legs so sore.

NOT looking forward to the run today which will probably be 3 laps up the road and down by the river without any of my dogs. I keep going outside and trying to psych myself up about it but it's hard when there are icicles dangling from the trees. I downloaded some music onto my ipod to hopefully motivate me as well. (I'll tell ya about that tomorrow) Just posting this is also motivation...because I have to say what I do and do what I say. So here goes....................

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